Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Writing Workshop

This is my third year teaching and I thought it was time that I step up my writing instruction. I didn't want the writing to be forced so I borrowed some ideas from Nancie Atwell in the structure and function of the workshop. So I began the workshop with two of my classes so far and it is going slow. I knew it would. So what am I doing and how am I assessing it?

Students are expected to 'publish' once every quarter (9 weeks) and write every time workshop meets. Grades are given for participation per workshop.

Writing Topics: Students get to choose, however, multiple writing topics are introduced via a daily journal throughout the week and mini-lesson on workshop day. Students can write just about anything they wish.

Grading: Students get a workshop grade (I circle the room and confer w/ students.) All students keep a record of work and leave drafts in writing folder. I can pull a folder at any time and see work and leave input. They also receive a grade for final draft of writing that is submitted to be published.

Publishing: is a source for publication. Students create a publishing worthy product for this magazine and must submit it. The local newspaper is a great source as well. Alterantively students can 'publish' to scholarships that require writing. I make sure to post details about these scholarships and incorporate mini-lessons that will help students write for these contests. My honors classes are required to 'publish' two times per quarter.

Mini-lessons: I borrow ideas for these from Nancie Atwell and use the OWL as a resource as well.

Conducting Workshop: FIRST: 5-10 minutes are for mini-lesson SECOND: 30 minutes are for silent writing (during this time instructor will meet with at least 10 students and read and counsel over writing) THIRD: 5 - 10 minutes Revising and/or editing

So far so good but this requires a lot of organization on the part of the instructor. I'll post a follow-up blog next week.


  1. Enjoyed your blog. We have some things in common. Thanks for citing my blog on yours! Maybe we could collaborate on something this year. Visit to see my curriculum and how we might get our students together. Jennifer

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